This is vikas kushwaha. i have gotten biggest experience in life about Linux, Microsoft, VMWare And IBM Products .
My technical journey is started in 2006 from Jetking Computer CenterĀ that time was biggest brand in INDIA to provide Perfect Knowledge in Information Technology. I Got Some very intelligent friends in jetking like Vijay , Arbind, bhaanu, jassi, sarfraj, ,,,etc
i wana thanks to all of jetking’s people ,how teach me and make me a perfect IT…an well i not getting any job after completion of that course from jetking . Now i wana say Thanks to Mr. Arbind how is person responsible to start my carrier in IT to earn some from IT teaching profession. but that time i got a person how is very intelligent in Linux Mr. Gaurav Roi. while i can’t get any training from him. after completion of this Job. we get together again in Kanpur (Native place). but now that time i got two person that was intelligent as well as good in nature and relation. **Dr. Chauhan**